Drz only one religion nd dt iz humanity!!, if u cnt rspct adrz relign its btr to stay quite, " Human mind iz like a television set its btr to turn off d sound if its blank" I hope info on my blog Will clarify ur concept abt Sanatan Dhrm!

Mother's love

For as long as I can remember
You have been by my side
To give me support
To give me confidence
To give me help

For as long as I can remember
You have always been the person I have loooked up to
So strong
So sensitive
So pretty
For as long as I can remember
And still today you are
Everything a mother should be

For as long as I can remember
You always provided stability within our family
Full of laughter
Full of tears
Full of love

So much of what I have become is because of you
And what I want to know you that
I appreciate you,
Thank you
and love you
Mor ethan words can express
I love you MOM! :D :D


ridz said...

you are right.A mother is everything to a child :D

Jyoti said...

coooolll! :D

Manoj Sharma said...

no words to say, everything is in d word "Maa"

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